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“Tsarapi” was added to the register of appellations of origin in Georgia. The National Intellectual Property Centre of Georgia Sakpatenti issued the certificate of registration for the new appellation of origin of Georgian wine in the name of N(N)IP Kardenakhi Wine, after the completion of relevant procedures.
Sakpatenti examination confirmed the specific quality of the wine, which is due to the geographical area, processing of grapes, the rule of producing wine, the link between the specific quality, reputation of wine and the geographical area and other characteristics.
The “Tsarapi” micro-zone is located in the administrative territory of village Kardenakhi, Gurjaani district. Wine “Tsarapi” is made from grapes of Rkatsiteli variety harvested only in the Tsarapi micro-zone, to which grapes of up to 15% Kakhuri Mtsvane and/or Khikhvi variety may be added. The use of other varieties is not admitted.
It is noteworthy that “Tsarapi” is made only of ripe grapes. The complete specification of “Tsarapi” is available at the following link: